
What is Docetism?

Imagine attending a church where the teaching insists that Jesus only appeared to have a human body, but in reality, He was purely divine, without any true human flesh. Such a belief, known as Docetism, challenges the very foundation of Christian doctrine concerning the nature of Christ. Let’s explore the

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What is Marcionism?

Imagine someone walking into a church today and declaring that the God of the Old Testament is not the same as the God of the New Testament. Such an idea might sound shocking and heretical, and rightly so. Yet, in the early days of Christianity, a man named Marcion made

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Faith, Theology

What is Sola Fide?

Imagine you are standing before the gates of heaven, and you’re asked, “Why should you be allowed to enter?” This profound question has been a central concern for Christians throughout history. The doctrine of sola fide, or “faith alone,” provides a clear and comforting answer: our entry into heaven is

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How Has God Revealed Himself?

Understanding how God has revealed Himself is fundamental to the Christian faith. The Bible outlines several ways through which God makes Himself known to humanity. These revelations can be broadly categorized into general revelation and special revelation. Let’s explore these categories to gain a deeper understanding of how God communicates

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